123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202 |
- login(`admin, `123456)
- loadPlugin("ODBC")
- go
- clearCachedModules()
- use fundit::fundCalculator
- use fundit::dataPuller
- /* Sample 1: 单基金或组合RBSA ------------------------------ */
- IN00000008 = (0.007075 -0.007000 -0.002121 0.008571 -0.025775 0.018936 0.012031 0.005613 0.017171 0.003189 -0.020797 -0.005986);
- IN00000077 = (-0.002598 0.001488 0.001404 0.001031 0.002389 0.002999 -0.000246 -0.000533 -0.000656 0.001313 0.001352 0.001514);
- IN0000007G =(0.000373 0.000367 0.000379 0.000272 0.000461 0.000355 0.000349 0.000195 0.000478 0.000331 0.000330 0.000324);
- IN0000009M = (0.010477 0.010086 0.019914 0.027885 0.061534 0.011593 -0.032239 -0.003192 0.011932 0.024807 0.006475 0.014500);
- mt0 = table(IN00000008, IN00000077, IN0000007G, IN0000009M);
- MF00003PW1 = (0.017450 0.002639 -0.026316 -0.005405 -0.013587 -0.001377 0.024828 0.014805 0.011936 -0.003932 -0.021053 0.006721);
- res = cal_rbsa(MF00003PW1, mt0, false)
- // lb = 0 时仍有微小负数,估计可以换成0
- // 不清除后面的12维数字是干啥的
- beta = res[1][0:4]
- print(beta)
- /* Sample 1 end --------------------------------------------- */
- /* Sample 2 start ------------------------------ */
- // pull all historical weekly returns from mysql, then save it to local
- // tb_all = get_fund_weekly_rets(null, 2021.07.01, null, true)
- // save_table(tb_all, "mfdb.fund_performance_weekly", false)
- // pull historical weekly returns from pre-saved local table
- // NOTE: if the table doesn't exist, run the commented code above
- tb_all_weekly_ret = load_table_from_local("fundit", "mfdb.fund_performance_weekly")
- // get index weekly return based on RBSA asset_type
- def get_standard_rbsa_index_return(asset_type_id, start_date, end_date) {
- index_ids = ""
- // asset allocation: stock-bond-cash-gold
- if(asset_type_id == "AS0000005Q")
- index_ids = "'IN00000008','IN00000077','IN0000007G','IN0000009M'"
- // asset allocation: stock-bond-cash-gold
- else if(asset_type_id == "Large4Assets" )
- index_ids = "'IN00000008','IN00000077','IN0000007G','IN0000009M'"
- // Fundit style: large-small-cash
- else if(asset_type_id == "Cap3Style" )
- index_ids = "'FA00000WKG','FA00000WKH','IN0000007G'"
- // Fundit sector: 防守-周期-敏感-科技-cash
- else if(asset_type_id == "CSI5" )
- index_ids = "'FA00000VML','FA00000VMM','FA00000VMN','FA00000VMO','IN0000007G'"
- // CNI style: LG-LV-SG-SV-cash
- else if(asset_type_id == "CNI5Style" )
- index_ids = "'IN0000000S','IN0000000T','IN0000000U','IN0000000V','IN0000007G'"
- // CNI style: LG-LV-SG-SV-MG-MV-cash
- else if(asset_type_id == "CNI7Style" )
- index_ids = "'IN0000000S','IN0000000T','IN0000000U','IN0000000V','IN0000000W', 'IN0000000X','IN0000007G'"
- // CSI old sector: 材料-电信-工业-公用-金融-可选-能源-消费-信息-医药-cash
- else if(asset_type_id == "CSI11" )
- index_ids = "'IN0000000Y','IN0000000Z','IN00000010','IN00000011','IN00000012','IN00000013','IN00000014','IN00000015','IN00000016','IN00000017','IN0000007G'"
- // bond type: gov-cash-cnvt-corp
- else if(asset_type_id == "BondType" )
- index_ids = "'IN0000007A','IN0000007G','IN0000008J','IN000002CM'"
- ret = get_index_weekly_rets(index_ids, start_date, end_date)
- return ret
- }
- win = 24
- step = 24
- // pick the fund to be compared with
- the_fund = 'MF00003PW1'
- the_fund_ret = (SELECT * FROM tb_all_weekly_ret WHERE year_week >= '202211' AND fund_id = the_fund).ret_1w
- // get all mutual fund ids for testing
- fund_ids = (SELECT DISTINCT fund_id FROM tb_all_weekly_ret).fund_id
- // all rbsa results will be saved here
- tb_all_rbsa = table(fund_ids.size()*(the_fund_ret.size()):0, "fund_id" "date" "asset_type_id" "weights", [STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING])
- // all the distances will be saved here
- tb_dis = table(fund_ids.size():0, "fund_id" "date" "asset_type_id" "dist", [STRING, STRING, STRING, DOUBLE])
- // asset_type_id = "Cap3Style"
- asset_type = "CSI5"
- tb_index_raw_ret = get_standard_rbsa_index_return(asset_type, 2021.07.01, 2024.07.26)
- // transform the data structure for rbsa calculation
- tb_index_weekly_ret = SELECT ret_1w
- FROM tb_index_raw_ret
- PIVOT BY year_week, index_id
- tb_index_weekly_ret.rename!("year_week", "date")
- // loop thru the fund list and calculate historical rbsa
- // NOTE: it takes about 6 minutes for 20,000 mutual funds with 3 year history
- for(f_id in fund_ids) {
- ret = SELECT year_week AS date, ret_1w AS ret
- FROM tb_all_weekly_ret
- WHERE fund_id = f_id
- ORDER BY year_week
- // calculate historical rbsa
- tb = cal_rolling_rbsa(ret, tb_index_weekly_ret, false, win, step)
- INSERT INTO tb_all_rbsa
- SELECT f_id, date, asset_type, weights
- FROM tb
- WHERE status = "solved"
- }
- SELECT * FROM tb_all_rbsa WHERE fund_id = the_fund
- // tb_all_weekly_ret = null
- // save to local db, just for the sake of saving time to run rbsa again
- save_table(tb_all_rbsa, "mfdb.fund_rbsa_weekly", false)
- tb_all_rbsa = null
- asset_type = "CSI5"
- the_dates = (SELECT DISTINCT date FROM tb_all_rbsa WHERE fund_id = the_fund AND asset_type_id = asset_type).date
- // loop thru all the dates
- for(d in the_dates) {
- // the rbsa weights of target fund of one date
- the_weights = (SELECT * FROM tb_all_rbsa WHERE fund_id = the_fund AND date = d AND asset_type_id = asset_type).weights[0]
- // all rbsa results with the same date
- t = SELECT * FROM tb_all_rbsa WHERE date = d AND asset_type_id = asset_type
- // calculate the distance between the target fund and any fund
- for(r in t) {
- // euclidean distance
- tb_dis.tableInsert(r.fund_id, d, asset_type, ((the_weights.split(" ")$DOUBLE).euclidean(r.weights.split(" ")$DOUBLE)).round(4))
- // tanimoto distance
- // tb_dis.tableInsert(r.fund_id, d, asset_type, ((the_weights.split(" ")$DOUBLE).tanimoto(r.weights.split(" ")$DOUBLE)).round(4))
- }
- }
- select * from tb_dis where fund_id = the_fund
- n = the_dates.size()
- select fund_id, avg
- from (
- select fund_id, count(dist) as cnt, avg(dist) as avg
- from tb_dis
- where fund_id <> the_fund
- and asset_type_id = "Large4Assets"
- group by fund_id )
- order by avg
- limit 500
- select fund_Id, avg from (
- select fund_id, sum(dist) as total_dist, count(dist) as cnt, avg(dist) as avg
- from tb_dis
- where fund_id <> the_fund and asset_type_id <> "Cap3Style"
- group by fund_id )
- where cnt = n*2
- order by avg
- limit 500
- select * from tb_all_rbsa where fund_id IN ('MF00003PW1', 'MF00006EQ6', 'MF00003QZR','MF000074ZM','MF00006FQ5')
- t = select ret_1w from tb_all_weekly_ret where fund_id IN ('MF00003PW1', 'MF00006EQ6', 'MF00003QZR','MF000074ZM','MF00006FQ5') and year_week >= '202211' pivot by year_week, fund_id
- plot([t.MF00003PW1, t.MF00006EQ6], t.year_week, , LINE)
- plot([t.MF00003PW1, t.MF00003QZR], t.year_week, , LINE)
- plot([t.MF00003PW1, t.MF000074ZM], t.year_week, , LINE)
- plot([t.MF00003PW1, t.MF00006FQ5], t.year_week, , LINE)
- // calculate correlation
- t = (SELECT ret_1w FROM tb_all_weekly_ret WHERE year_week >= '202211' PIVOT BY year_week, fund_id ).dropColumns!("year_week")
- v_cols = t.colNames()
- m = matrix(t)
- tb_corr = table(fund_ids.size():0, "fund_id" "corr", [STRING, DOUBLE])
- i = 0
- for(c in m) {
- if(c.dropna().size() == the_fund_ret.rows()) {
- tb_corr.tableInsert(v_cols[i], the_fund_ret.corr(c).round(6))
- }
- i += 1
- }
- select * from tb_corr order by corr desc limit 500
- /* Sample 2 end --------------------------------------------- */