returnCalculator.dos 17 KB

  1. module fundit::returnCalculator
  2. use fundit::fundCalculator
  3. use fundit::dataPuller
  4. /*
  5. * 根据私募基金净值序列计算月收益序列(适合提供给指标运算)
  6. *
  7. * Create: 20240907 Joey
  8. * TODO: missing pulling data from local
  9. * TODO: ONLY support month return now
  10. *
  11. * @param fund_ids <STRING VECTOR>: 基金ID
  12. * @param isFromMySQL <BOOL>: 净值来源 1 - 远程MySQL、 0 - 本地 DolphinDB
  13. *
  14. */
  15. def cal_fund_monthly_returns(entity_type, fund_ids, isFromMySQL){
  16. tb_rets = null;
  17. // 暂时只支持公募和私募基金
  18. if(entity_type != 'HF' && entity_type != 'MF' ) return tb_rets;
  19. // 用于保证老基金也能取到所有历史净值
  20. very_old_price_date = 1990.01.01;
  21. // 基金基本信息,包括初始净值
  22. tb_fund_info = get_fund_info(fund_ids);
  23. // 基金净值
  24. tb_nav = SELECT * FROM get_nav_by_price_date(entity_type, fund_ids, very_old_price_date, isFromMySQL);
  25. tb_month_end = table(100:0, ['fund_id', 'price_date'], [STRING, DATE]);
  26. // 填充好各基金有效期内所有月份的最后一天
  27. for( f in tb_fund_info )
  28. {
  29. INSERT INTO tb_month_end SELECT fund_id, price_date FROM table(f.fund_id.take(1) AS fund_id).cj(table(temporalSeq(f.inception_date, today(), 'M') AS price_date)) ;
  30. }
  31. UPDATE tb_month_end SET end_date = price_date.month();
  32. tb_monthly_nav = SELECT fund_id, monthEnd(price_date).month().last() AS end_date, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav
  33. FROM tb_nav
  34. GROUP BY fund_id, monthEnd(price_date);
  35. // 完整月末日期的净值序列(包括缺失数据为NULL)
  36. tb_monthly_nav = SELECT me.fund_id, me.end_date, n.price_date, n.cumulative_nav
  37. FROM tb_month_end me
  38. LEFT JOIN tb_monthly_nav n ON me.fund_id = n.fund_id AND me.end_date = n.end_date
  39. ORDER BY me.fund_id, me.end_date;
  40. // 补一下成立日的初始净值
  41. // NOTE: DolphinDB 遇见 EXISTS 语句时,似乎主表的 alias 失效,只好用全名
  42. INSERT INTO tb_monthly_nav
  43. SELECT fund_id, inception_date.month(), inception_date, ifNull(ini_value, 1)
  44. FROM tb_fund_info fi
  45. WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM tb_monthly_nav n WHERE fund_id = tb_fund_info.fund_id AND n.price_date = tb_fund_info.inception_date);
  46. // 算 ratios 之前先把时间顺序排好
  47. tb_monthly_nav.sortBy!(['fund_id', 'end_date', 'price_date'], [1, 1, 1]);
  48. // 计算月收益
  49. tb_rets = SELECT fund_id, end_date, price_date, cumulative_nav, cumulative_nav.ratios() - 1 AS ret
  50. FROM tb_monthly_nav
  51. CONTEXT BY fund_id;
  52. // the records without return calculated but do have nav are still useful for some calculations
  53. return ( SELECT * FROM tb_rets WHERE cumulative_nav > 0 );
  54. }
  55. /*
  56. * 月末 fund_performance 表计算
  57. *
  58. * @param fund_ids: 逗号分隔的ID
  59. * @param end_date:
  60. *
  61. * Example: cal_fund_performance("'HF000004KN','HF00018WXG','HF000103EU'", '2024-06', true);
  62. */
  63. def cal_fund_performance(fund_ids, month_end) {
  64. // 获取必要的基金月度净值
  65. tb_nav = get_nav_for_hedge_fund_performance(fund_ids, month_end);
  66. tb_rets = SELECT fund_id, price_date.month() AS end_date, price_date, cumulative_nav,
  67. cumulative_nav \ nav_1m - 1 AS ret_1m,
  68. cumulative_nav \ nav_3m - 1 AS ret_3m,
  69. cumulative_nav \ nav_6m - 1 AS ret_6m,
  70. cumulative_nav \ nav_1y - 1 AS ret_1y,
  71. cumulative_nav \ nav_2y - 1 AS ret_2y,
  72. cumulative_nav \ nav_3y - 1 AS ret_3y,
  73. cumulative_nav \ nav_4y - 1 AS ret_4y,
  74. cumulative_nav \ nav_5y - 1 AS ret_5y,
  75. cumulative_nav \ nav_10y - 1 AS ret_10y,
  76. cumulative_nav \ nav_ytd - 1 AS ret_ytd,
  77. cumulative_nav \ nav_incep - 1 AS ret_incep, inception_date
  78. FROM tb_nav;
  79. // NOTE: this is to keep consistance with MySQL, even it is NOT complied with GIPS standard
  80. UPDATE tb_rets SET ret_1m_a = (1 + ret_1m).pow(12\1) - 1, ret_3m_a = (1 + ret_3m).pow(12\3) - 1, ret_6m_a = (1 + ret_6m).pow(12\6) - 1,
  81. ret_1y_a= ret_1y, ret_2y_a = (1 + ret_2y).pow(12\24) - 1, ret_3y_a = (1 + ret_3y).pow(12\36) - 1,
  82. ret_4y_a = (1 + ret_4y).pow(12\48) - 1, ret_5y_a = (1 + ret_5y).pow(12\60) - 1, ret_10y_a = (1 + ret_10y).pow(12\120) - 1,
  83. ret_ytd_a = (1 + ret_ytd).pow(12\int(temporalFormat(end_date, 'MM')))-1,
  84. ret_incep_a = (1 + ret_incep).pow(12\(end_date - inception_date.month())) - 1,
  85. ret_incep_a_all = (1 + ret_incep).pow(12\(end_date - inception_date.month()))- 1,
  86. ret_incep_a_gips = iif(end_date - inception_date.month() < 12, ret_incep,
  87. (1 + ret_incep).pow(12\(end_date - inception_date.month()))- 1);
  88. return tb_rets;
  89. }
  90. /*
  91. * 批量计算公募历史基金月度收益(fund_performance)
  92. * NOTE: 任何数据频率快于或等于月度的净值数据都可以用此函数一次性计算完整历史记录。双月频、季频甚至更低频率的基金只能按月计算
  93. *
  94. * cal_mutual_fund_performance("'HF000004KN','HF00018WXG','HF000103EU'", true)
  95. *
  96. */
  97. def cal_mutual_fund_performance(fund_ids, isFromMySQL) {
  98. // 计算月收益
  99. tb_tmp = cal_fund_monthly_returns('MF', fund_ids, isFromMySQL);
  100. tb_rets = SELECT fund_id, end_date, ret_1m,
  101. (1 + ret_1m).mprod(3) - 1 AS ret_3m, (1 + ret_1m).mprod(6) - 1 AS ret_6m, (1 + ret_1m).mprod(12) - 1 AS ret_1y,
  102. (1 + ret_1m).mprod(24) - 1 AS ret_2y, (1 + ret_1m).mprod(36) - 1 AS ret_3y, (1 + ret_1m).mprod(48) - 1 AS ret_4y,
  103. (1 + ret_1m).mprod(60) - 1 AS ret_5y, (1 + ret_1m).mprod(120) - 1 AS ret_10y
  104. FROM tb_tmp
  105. CONTEXT BY fund_id;
  106. // NOTE: this is to keep consistance with MySQL, even it is NOT complied with GIPS standard
  107. UPDATE tb_rets SET ret_1m_a = (1 + ret_1m).pow(12) - 1, ret_3m_a = (1 + ret_3m).pow(4) - 1, ret_6m_a = (1 + ret_6m).pow(2) - 1, ret_1y_a= ret_1y,
  108. ret_2y_a = (1 + ret_2y).pow(1\2) - 1, ret_3y_a = (1 + ret_3y).pow(1\3) - 1, ret_4y_a = (1 + ret_4y).pow(1\4) - 1,
  109. ret_5y_a = (1 + ret_5y).pow(1\5) - 1, ret_10y_a = (1 + ret_10y).pow(1\10) - 1;
  110. // ytd 不会用上面的CONTEXT BY语句实现
  111. tb_ret_ytd = SELECT a.fund_id, a.end_date, a.price_date, a.cumulative_nav, -1 + a.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav AS ret_ytd,
  112. (a.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav).pow(12\(a.end_date - b.end_date)) - 1 AS ret_ytd_a
  113. FROM tb_rets a
  114. INNER JOIN tb_rets b ON a.fund_Id = b.fund_id
  115. AND b.end_date = a.price_date.yearEnd().datetimeAdd(-1y).month()
  116. // since inception 不会用上面的CONTEXT BY语句实现
  117. tb_ret_incep = SELECT a.fund_id, a.end_date, a.price_date, cumulative_nav, -1 + cumulative_nav \ ini_value AS ret_incep
  118. FROM tb_rets a
  119. INNER JOIN tb_fund_info fi ON a.fund_id = fi.fund_id
  120. UPDATE tb_ret_incep SET ret_incep_a = (1 + ret_incep).pow(12\(end_date - end_date.first())) - 1 CONTEXT BY fund_Id
  121. UPDATE tb_ret_incep SET ret_incep_a_gips = iif( end_date - end_date.first() < 12, ret_incep, ret_incep_a ), ret_incep_a_all = ret_incep_a CONTEXT BY fund_id
  122. // 只选需要更新的记录
  123. tb_fund_performance = SELECT a.fund_id, a.end_date.datetimeFormat("yyyy-MM") AS end_date, c.price_date, c.cumulative_nav,
  124. a.ret_1m, a.ret_1m_a, a.ret_3m, a.ret_3m_a, a.ret_6m, a.ret_6m_a,
  125. a.ret_1y, a.ret_1y_a, a.ret_2y, a.ret_2y_a, a.ret_3y, a.ret_3y_a,
  126. a.ret_4y, a.ret_4y_a, a.ret_5y, a.ret_5y_a, a.ret_10y, a.ret_10y_a,
  127. b.ret_ytd, b.ret_ytd_a, c.ret_incep, c.ret_incep_a, c.ret_incep_a_all, c.ret_incep_a_gips
  128. // , 123 AS creatorid, now() AS createtime, 123 AS updaterid, now() AS updatetime, 1 AS isvalid
  129. FROM tb_rets a
  130. LEFT JOIN tb_ret_ytd b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id AND a.end_date = b.end_date
  131. LEFT JOIN tb_ret_incep c ON a.fund_id = c.fund_id AND a.end_date = c.end_date
  132. WHERE c.price_date IS NOT NULL
  133. ORDER BY a.fund_id, c.price_date
  134. /*
  135. // 把这些数据写回mySQL数据表
  136. save_table(tb_fund_performance, "mfdb.fund_performance", true)
  137. // 把这些数据写到本地数据表
  138. save_table(tb_fund_performance, "mfdb.fund_performance", false)
  139. */
  140. return tb_fund_performance
  141. }
  142. /*
  143. * 批量计算私募基金周收益
  144. * TODO: 需要用每周最后一个交易日?
  145. *
  146. * cal_hedge_fund_weekly_returns("'HF000004KN','HF00018WXG','HF000103EU'", true)
  147. *
  148. */
  149. def cal_hedge_fund_weekly_returns(fund_ids, isFromMySQL) {
  150. // 用于保证老基金也能取到所有历史净值
  151. very_old_price_date = 1990.01.01
  152. tb_nav = get_nav_by_price_date('HF', fund_ids, very_old_price_date, isFromMySQL)
  153. UPDATE tb_nav SET year_week = price_date.year()$STRING + (price_date.weekOfYear()$STRING).lpad(2, "0")
  154. tb_weekly_nav = SELECT fund_id, year_week, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav
  155. FROM tb_nav
  156. GROUP BY fund_id, year_week
  157. ORDER BY fund_id, year_week
  158. // 这里选最简单的计算方式:不补任何净值空洞,净值前值日期不做任何限制
  159. // TODO: 可以考虑将月收益也改为这种方式
  160. tb_rets_1w = SELECT fund_id, year_week, price_date, cumulative_nav, cumulative_nav.ratios()-1 AS ret_1w
  161. FROM tb_weekly_nav
  162. ORDER BY fund_id, year_week
  163. return tb_rets_1w
  164. }
  165. /*
  166. * 批量计算私募基金区间收益
  167. * TODO: mySQL version 向前取4天,向后不做限制。这里的逻辑是向前取4个交易日
  168. *
  169. * get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -7d, "ret_1w")
  170. *
  171. */
  172. def get_trailing_return(table_last_nav, table_nav, duration, return_column_name) {
  173. tb = SELECT a.fund_id, a.price_date.last() AS price_date, a.cumulative_nav.last() \ b.cumulative_nav.last() - 1 AS ret
  174. FROM table_last_nav a
  175. INNER JOIN table_nav b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id
  176. WHERE b.price_date <= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(duration)
  177. AND b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(duration).datetimeAdd(-4d).businessDay()
  178. GROUP by a.fund_id
  179. ORDER BY fund_id
  180. tb.rename!("ret", return_column_name)
  181. return tb
  182. }
  183. /*
  184. * 批量计算私募基金最新收益
  185. *
  186. *
  187. * cal_hedge_fund_weekly_returns("'HF000004KN','HF00018WXG','HF000103EU'", true)
  188. *
  189. */
  190. def cal_hedge_fund_latest_returns(fund_ids, isFromMySQL) {
  191. // 用于保证老基金也能取到所有历史净值
  192. very_old_price_date = 1990.01.01
  193. tb_nav = get_nav_by_price_date('HF', fund_ids, very_old_price_date, isFromMySQL)
  194. tb_last_nav = SELECT fund_id, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav
  195. FROM tb_nav
  196. GROUP BY fund_id
  197. ORDER BY fund_id
  198. // 近1期收益,对应mySQL fund_latest_nav_performance 中的 net_value_change
  199. // 因为是倒序,所以算出来的 ratios() = n0 / n1, 要把它改换成 n1 / n0 - 1 的收益
  200. tb_last_return = SELECT TOP 2 fund_id, price_date.first() AS price_date, price_date AS pre_preice_date,
  201. cumulative_nav.first() AS cumulative_nav, 1\cumulative_nav.ratios() - 1 AS net_value_change
  202. FROM ( SELECT * FROM tb_nav ORDER BY price_date DESC )
  203. CONTEXT BY fund_id
  204. ORDER BY fund_id
  205. tb_last_return = SELECT * FROM tb_last_return WHERE net_value_change IS NOT NULL
  206. // 近1交易日收益
  207. tb_1d = SELECT a.fund_id, a.price_date, a.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav - 1 AS ret_1d
  208. FROM tb_last_nav a
  209. INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id AND b.price_date = a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-1d).businessDay()
  210. ORDER BY fund_id
  211. // 近1周、1/3/6月、1/2/3/4/5/10年收益
  212. tb_1w = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -7d, "ret_1w")
  213. tb_1m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -1M, "ret_1m")
  214. tb_3m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -3M, "ret_3m")
  215. tb_6m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -6M, "ret_6m")
  216. tb_1y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -1y, "ret_1y")
  217. tb_2y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -2y, "ret_2y")
  218. tb_3y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -3y, "ret_3y")
  219. tb_4y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -4y, "ret_4y")
  220. tb_5y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -5y, "ret_5y")
  221. tb_10y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -10y, "ret_10y")
  222. // ytd return
  223. tb_ytd = SELECT a.fund_id, a.price_date.last() AS price_date, a.cumulative_nav.last() \ b.cumulative_nav.last() - 1 AS ret_ytd
  224. FROM tb_last_nav a
  225. INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id
  226. WHERE b.price_date < a.price_date.yearBegin()
  227. AND b.price_date >= a.price_date.yearBegin().datetimeAdd(-4d)
  228. GROUP by a.fund_id
  229. // since inception return
  230. tb_fund_info = get_fund_info(fund_ids)
  231. tb_incep = SELECT a.fund_id, a.price_date, -1 + cumulative_nav \ ini_value AS ret_incep, fi.inception_date
  232. FROM tb_last_nav a
  233. INNER JOIN tb_fund_info fi ON a.fund_id = fi.fund_id
  234. // annulized since reception return
  235. UPDATE tb_incep SET ret_incep_a = (1 + ret_incep).pow(365.25\(price_date-inception_date)) - 1
  236. UPDATE tb_incep SET ret_incep_a_all = ret_incep_a,
  237. ret_incep_a_gips = iif((price_date-inception_date)<365, ret_incep, ret_incep_a)
  238. // 最大回撤
  239. tb_drawdown_1m = SELECT a.fund_id, max( 1 - b.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_1m
  240. FROM tb_last_return a
  241. INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id
  242. WHERE b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-1M)
  243. GROUP BY a.fund_id
  244. tb_drawdown_3m = SELECT a.fund_id, max( 1 - b.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_3m
  245. FROM tb_last_return a
  246. INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.fund_id = b.fund_id
  247. WHERE b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-3M)
  248. GROUP BY a.fund_id
  249. tb_drawdown_incep = SELECT fund_id, max( 1 - cumulative_nav \ cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_incep
  250. FROM tb_nav GROUP BY fund_id
  251. tb_rets = SELECT a.fund_id, a.price_date.datetimeFormat("yyyy-MM") AS end_date, a.price_date, a.pre_preice_date, a.cumulative_nav,
  252. a.net_value_change, d1.ret_1d, w1.ret_1w, m1.ret_1m, m3.ret_3m, m6.ret_6m,
  253. y1.ret_1y, y2.ret_2y, y3.ret_3y, y4.ret_4y, y5.ret_5y, y10.ret_10y,
  254. ytd.ret_ytd, incep.ret_incep, incep.ret_incep_a, incep.ret_incep_a_all, incep.ret_incep_a_gips,
  255. dd_m1.drawdown_1m AS maxdrawdown_1m, dd_m3.drawdown_3m AS maxdrawdown_3m,
  256. dd_incep.drawdown_incep AS maxdrawdown_incep,
  257. iif(dd_incep.drawdown_incep == 0, null,incep.ret_incep_a \ dd_incep.drawdown_incep) AS calmarratio_incep
  258. FROM tb_last_return a
  259. LEFT JOIN tb_1d d1 ON a.fund_id = d1.fund_id
  260. LEFT JOIN tb_1w w1 ON a.fund_id = w1.fund_id
  261. LEFT JOIN tb_1m m1 ON a.fund_id = m1.fund_id
  262. LEFT JOIN tb_3m m3 ON a.fund_id = m3.fund_id
  263. LEFT JOIN tb_6m m6 ON a.fund_id = m6.fund_id
  264. LEFT JOIN tb_1y y1 ON a.fund_id = y1.fund_id
  265. LEFT JOIN tb_2y y2 ON a.fund_id = y2.fund_id
  266. LEFT JOIN tb_3y y3 ON a.fund_id = y3.fund_id
  267. LEFT JOIN tb_4y y4 ON a.fund_id = y4.fund_id
  268. LEFT JOIN tb_5y y5 ON a.fund_id = y5.fund_id
  269. LEFT JOIN tb_10y y10 ON a.fund_id = y10.fund_id
  270. LEFT JOIN tb_ytd ytd ON a.fund_id = ytd.fund_id
  271. LEFT JOIN tb_incep incep ON a.fund_id = incep.fund_id
  272. LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_1m dd_m1 ON a.fund_id = dd_m1.fund_id
  273. LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_3m dd_m3 ON a.fund_id = dd_m3.fund_id
  274. LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_incep dd_incep ON a.fund_id = dd_incep.fund_id
  275. ORDER BY a.fund_id
  276. // 忽略掉非GIPS标准的所有年化收益字段(包括ytd_a)
  277. UPDATE tb_rets SET ret_1y_a = ret_1y, ret_2y_a = (1 + ret_2y).pow(1\2) - 1, ret_3y_a = (1 + ret_3y).pow(1\3) - 1,
  278. ret_4y_a = (1 + ret_4y).pow(1\4) - 1, ret_5y_a = (1 + ret_5y).pow(1\5) - 1, ret_10y_a = (1 + ret_10y).pow(1\10) - 1
  279. return tb_rets
  280. }