module fundit::fundCalculator /* * RBSA 计算 * @param: ret: historical return (double) vector which contains the same number of return as index * index_ret: historical index returen matrix which each row is an index * isLongShort: bool * @return: table * * Create 20240703 模仿python代码在Dolphin中实现,具体计算逻辑完全不懂 Joey * 原代码见: * Python官方示例见: * Dolphin官方示例见: * 取数据脚本:SELECT fund_id, GROUP_CONCAT(ret_1w SEPARATOR ' ') * FROM mfdb.`fund_performance_weekly` * WHERE fund_id IN ( 'MF00003PW1', 'IN00000008', 'IN00000077', 'IN0000009M', 'IN0000007G') * AND year_week BETWEEN 202411 AND 202422 * GROUP BY fund_id * */ def cal_rbsa(ret, index_ret, isLongShort) { // 窗口长度 m = ret.size() // 指数个数 n = index_ret.cols() P0 = matrix(float, n, m+n) P1 = concatMatrix([matrix(float, m, n), eye(m)]) P = concatMatrix([P0, P1], false) q = array(float, m+n, (m+n)*10, 0) A0 = concatMatrix( [matrix(index_ret), -eye(m)]) A1 = concatMatrix( [matrix(take(1, n)).transpose(), matrix(float, 1, m)]) A2 = concatMatrix( [eye(n), matrix(float, n, m)]) A = concatMatrix( [A0, A1, A2], false) // join 1 是为了限制所有权重加总为100% // 下限 lb =(ret join 1) join array(float, n, n*10, iif(isLongShort == false, 0, -2)) // 上限 ub=(ret join 1) join array(float, n, n*10, iif(isLongShort == false, 1, 2)) res = osqp( q, P, A, lb, ub) return res } /* * 滚动 rbsa * @param: ret: return table, at least with "date" and "ret" as columns * index_ret: index return pivot table, with "date" and all index ids as columns * isLongShort: boolean. true means weightings could be negative values * window: number of return in a window * step: rolling step * @return: table, with "date", "status" and "weights" columns. "weights" contains space-delimited numbers */ def cal_rolling_rbsa(ret, index_ret, isLongShort, window, step) { t = SELECT * FROM ret INNER JOIN index_ret ON = ORDER BY t.nullFill!(0) // 指数个数 n = index_ret.cols() - 1 // 计算起始位置 i = t.size() % step // 运行rbsa计算次数 cnt = (t.size() - i) / step tb = table(max(cnt,1):0, ["date", "status", "weights"], [STRING, STRING, STRING]) if(t.size() >= window && cnt > 0) { do { v_ret = t.ret[i:(i+window)] t_index_ret = t.slice( i:(i+window), ret.cols(): ) // 传入window个收益 res = cal_rbsa(v_ret, t_index_ret, isLongShort) // 取窗口内最后(新)的日期 tb.tableInsert([i+window-1], res[0], res[1][0:n].round(6).concat(" ")$STRING) // 往前推进step个收益 i = i + step cnt -= 1 } while( cnt > 0) } else { tb.tableInsert(null, "error", "The number of joined returns must not be less than window size.") } return tb } /* * 年化收益率计算(只支持月收益) * * date_rets 是个日期排正序的收益率表 */ def cal_ret_annualized(date_rets, isGIPS) { date_format = "y-M" t = SELECT fund_id, (1 + ret).prod() - 1 AS ret_a, end_date.max().datetimeParse(date_format) - end_date.min().datetimeParse(date_format) AS date_diff FROM date_rets GROUP BY fund_id // GIPS 规则是不够一年不年化 if(isGIPS == true) { UPDATE t SET ret_a = (1 + ret_a).pow(12 \ date_diff) - 1 WHERE date_diff > 12 } else { UPDATE t SET ret_a = (1 + ret_a).pow(12 \ date_diff) - 1 } return t }